A screen grab from Sunday's special, 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians: About Bruce' Photo courtesy of E! Entertainment
A screen grab from Sunday’s special, ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians: About Bruce’
Photo courtesy of E! Entertainment

Ok folks, in the strange sideshow that is the Kardashians, we are now at part two of Keeping Up with the Kardashians: About Bruce.

Previously: Bruce Jenner did Khloe’s nails, and any day now, will be living as a woman

And wow, now things get interesting and emotional. For starters, it’s hard to not empathize with Jenner.
“Because of the situation I’m in, I think we can do a lot of good,” said Jenner, of being famous.

Kim asked the big question: Will Bruce undergo sex reassignment surgery?

Meaning, remove the “little thing” down there, as Bruce said? His answer: “No. As of right now, no.”

Was he grossed out having sex with Kris Jenner?

Not in the slightest, said Jenner of his ex-wife. “No, I’m totally heterosexual,” said Bruce. “I was always attracted to women.”

Go Kim! Again, she asks when they should refer to Bruce as her.

“You will see me and you will know,” he said.

Kris never saw this coming “in a gazillion years.”

“I think I’m just so confused right now. You shut me out a long time ago. You were angry which made me angry,” sais Kris, during a high-stakes conversation in her kitchen. She knew he’d always wanted to dress like a female, but that’s it. “That’s the only thing I experienced with you, Bruce,” she said. Her rage was palpable.

That “thing” inside of him that he could not suppress came back five years ago, said Kris.

Bruce said he’d always had these issues and never dealt with them. He initially took hormones briefly decades ago; he never told Kris he was taking hormones again, and said he did not take them until they separated. He went to a therapist and “started working on things, trying to figure out my life.”

They’re all kind of nervous to meet her, said Bruce, of his kids.

The sisters all talk about meeting “her” at some point, but Kendall strikes the most honest note. “It might be a little weird,” she said. Kim, meanwhile, checked out Bruce’s closet. And he confessed that he stole an outfit of hers “a long, long time ago.”

Part one recap:

We learned that Bruce may be undergoing gender-reassignment surgery (or not). He never answered the question directly, or provided a time-frame. He has not said whether he’ll be known by a different name, or what that name might be. We learned that Kim has been keeping his secret for a decade, and that Kendall used to find makeup and thought her dad was having an affair. We also learned that he’s adept at manicures and pedicures, and has done Khloe’s nails.

Cr  :  USA Today