วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Turns Out the Bones and Sleepy Hollow Crossover Wasn't As Strange As We Thought It Would Be

Sleepy Hollow, Bones
Sleepy Hollow, Bones Fox

Raise your hand if you went into the Bones and Sleepy Hollow crossover episodes incredibly confused as to how they would make any sense whatsoever! And raise your hand if you finished the episodes thinking, "Hey, that wasn't so strange after all!"
Okay, yes, it was very weird to see Booth (David Boreanaz) and Brennan (Emily Deschanel), who deal with real-life crimes and decomposing bodies, working with Mills (Nicole Beharie) and Crane (Tom Mison), who deal with spells, demons and other supernatural problems. But, truthfully, the shows both have the same fun, playful tone, so it wasn't too jarring to see the Jeffersonian crew on the Sleepy Hollow turf and vice versa.

CLICK: Don't worry, the Bones & Sleepy Hollow stars didn't understand the crossover at first, either
Sleepy Hollow, Bones Fox
The highlights:

Normalcy. The episodes were constructed very typically for each show, especially at the beginning of each hour. Then the two fish out of water were weaved in to the story, and everyone was able to shine. Basically, it was business as usual, but with a couple of extra guests.

Ichabbie! You know who ships Ichabod and Abbie together? Brennan. After mistakenly assuming the coworkers-turned-friends were actually coworkers-turned-sexual partners like she and Booth, she encouraged Ichabod to get it on with his now-roommate. "I suggest you consider it," she matter-of-factly stated.

Insanity. Okay, so it was science and facts at the Jeffersonian in Washington D.C., but that went out the window when the case shifted to the Sleepy Hollow hour. Then, the heroes ran through tunnels, deciphered ancient runes and even had to shield themselves from napalm. Napalm! Oh, not to mention some supernatural craziness—you know, like every other episode of Sleepy Hollow.

What did you think of the crossover? Strange? Silly? Fun? All of the above? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Cr  :  eonline

